Get to Know Your True Self

Its hard to find your true self

Somebody said that the difference between man and animals is that animals never try to be something they aren’t.  A dog is a dog and cows are cows.  Humans try to be something we are not and forget who we are designed to be; our “true self.”   One day Peter Drucker looked at us…

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The Resilient Leader is Transformed

He was the greatest golfer ever, and then he wasn’t.   He changed his swing, national news focused on his infidelities, his marriage fell apart, sponsors abandoned him, and surgeries prevented him from competing.   After falling to #1199 in the world rankings, Tiger Woods won the 2019 Masters and his first major win in…

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Wisdom: A Leaders Journey

The Lord appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” Solomon answered, “… give your servant a discerning heart [wisdom] to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?”…

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Lessons for Managers on D Day

remember the lessons of ww2

June 6th is D day.  Managers can be reminded of their imperative.   75 years ago, the allies invaded occupied France to end the rule of the Nazis.  The first major assault to end tyranny around the world.   During World War II, the United States lost 416,000 soldiers. There were over 85 million people…

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A New Life

I thought I was doing pretty well. My energy was low and I didn’t feel well, but I functioned ok.  I wasn’t ok.   It concerned my friends and family.  My color was ashen, and I wasn’t tracking.  One friend asked my wife, “is Robert ok?”   I was under the doctor’s supervision.  They were monitoring my condition…

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The Innovator-Founder Dilemma

Ozzie had spent his entire life becoming an expert in his field and in the process built his company to nearly 100 employees. Now he is stuck.  Ten years ago Victor started his technology company with a few college friends working together in his dorm room and now it has grown to 65 employees.   He…

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Personal Authority Begins Inside

“All Michele does is whine how she can’t get the job done.  She doesn’t have time, or she doesn’t have the budget to get the right staff. She isn’t catching the details, so I have to work late to review everything she does.  Why can’t she just have a good work ethic like me?. This isn’t…

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Effectiveness or Impotence

Effective or impotent

“I don’t know why things don’t get done”   Have you ever heard that before?   In this case, it was the lament from the CEO of a professional services company. He was frustrated that his company was stuck and not getting the strategic initiatives completed. The irony is that his team is really busy…

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Leading the Unknown

Leading the Unknown

One of the most difficult aspects of leading, is leading the unknown.  I have been completely unprepared for situations multiple times.  Not only are these events out of my control, there are no reference points in my background to lean into.   When hijackers attacked the United States on 9/11, there was nothing in George…

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The Parable of the 3 Stone Cutters

Stone Cutters

A man was walking down a street when he saw 3 stone cutters.  Curious, he asked the first one, “What are you doing?”   “I’m doing this to get a paycheck,” was his response.   Coming upon the second, he asked the same question.   “I am creating the most beautiful stones.  Look at how…

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