Decision Making:  Peter Drucker’s Framework

Decision Making Framework

Successful business owners and leaders make effective decisions.  We face decisions every day, some of them are routine, and some of them require strategy. I often see leaders or groups struggling with a decision because they don’t have a framework with which to operate. The 7 decision questions that I learned from Peter Drucker. If…

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Sales Managers need to do 3 Fundamental Things

Sales Managers need to do 3 things

Sales Managers have a critical role in creating results in a business.  They are the lever in the organization.  That is the goal, anyway.  Often, however, they have management meetings, or customer service issues, or maybe a sales quota themselves. When this happens, the urgent torpedoes their abilities.  In a previous blog, we discussed that…

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Small Business Needs 3 Things

3 things small business needs.

Small Business is hard work.  You don’t have the resources of the enterprise and you have the same needs.  I often have conversations with small business owners/CEOs and these conversations often go the same way.  That is, the owner is overworked and the team is working hard, but they aren’t as profitable as they should…

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