Lessons for Managers on D Day

June 6th is D day.  Managers can be reminded of their imperative.


75 years ago, the allies invaded occupied France to end the rule of the Nazis.  The first major assault to end tyranny around the world.


During World War II, the United States lost 416,000 soldiers. There were over 85 million people killed during WWII (National WW2 Museum). Fascism and Communism were to blame.


How could this occur?


Peter Drucker diagnosed totalitarianism as a “pervasive sickness” of society.

“The despair of the masses is the key to the understanding of fascism.  No ‘revolt of the mob,’ no triumphs of unscrupulous propaganda, but stark despair caused by the breakdown of the old order and the absence of a new one.” (End of Economic Man1932)


The masses lost trust in the existing order; it was no longer offering or supporting the traditional values of freedom and equality.


For Peter, the United States modeled a society of institutions led by “responsible and performing managers”.   These managers created jobs that gave status and meaning to employees. This was his answer to tyranny.


“To make our institutions perform responsibly, autonomously, and on a high level of achievement is thus the only safeguard of freedom and dignity in the pluralistic society of institutions.  Performing, responsible management is the alternative to tyranny and our only protections against it.” (Management, Tasks, Responsibilities, Functions 1965)

Thus, managers are the alternative and protection to tyranny; to qualify you must produce and be responsible.


Profits affirm your performance.


Tesla is a great car and generates a large following, but if they can’t make a profit, they are not sustainable nor performing.


Responsible means for all those around you:  Employees, Customers, Vendors, the Community, the Environment, etc.….


Mark Zuckerberg is not trusted at Facebook; and society won’t tolerate it.  Facebook will be regulated and no longer autonomous.


Napoleon said, “Leaders are purveyors of hope.”


As a leader, consider your role in society.  Are you performing at the level as you and your company should?  Have you prepared and lead your people into a dynamic future? Are you responsible with your people? Do you steward your company?