A New Life

I thought I was doing pretty well. My energy was low and I didn’t feel well, but I functioned ok.  I wasn’t ok.


It concerned my friends and family.  My color was ashen, and I wasn’t tracking.  One friend asked my wife, “is Robert ok?”


I was under the doctor’s supervision.  They were monitoring my condition and saying I was sick, but I didn’t understand.   They said I needed surgery.


Ernest Hemingway, when asked how he went bankrupt, said “two ways, gradually then suddenly”.  That’s how I got sick.


September 4, 2018, I had a kidney transplant.  I was lucky and blessed; I have a brother who volunteered to be a donor.


There are over 100,000 people waiting on the donor list and about 20,000 transplants a year. Most people wait 5-7 years for a match.  I received an identical match in a year.


What I learned was that I didn’t know how sick I was. I degenerated in the most unnoticeable way. After the surgery I felt the difference.  I had energy; it was amazing.  I had a new life.


We often don’t know how sick we are:  personally, professionally, or organizationally.


Someone described management as the organs of the company.  To survive, the body needs organs to manage the needed functions. The brain is the central processing center; the heart keeps blood flowing, the liver and kidneys filter waste, and so on.  This occurs without us even considering it.   That is until something isn’t working.  When one organ doesn’t work, it affects the whole body.


I have been in many situations where results are weak, and the company is sick. They usually try to fix it, or work around it, hoping it will get better.  Most of the time, it doesn’t.  To be healthy, sometimes management change is necessary.


Pat Riley won the NBA championship with both the LA Lakers and the Miami Heat.  When asked what it took to be a great coach, “great players”.  It’s the same thing in an organization.


For many reasons, many won’t do anything. “It’s risky,” or “it’s a bad time”.  Both statements are true. Failure to act affects everyone and puts pressure on the rest of the “organs”.


Can you imagine feeling better?  Do you need new life?  You will never know how great it be unless you take an honest look at your current situation.


  1. Mimi Ramsey on June 11, 2019 at 12:57 pm

    Wonderful perspective! Sometimes it takes an outsider to help us see how “off” things are and courage to accept what it takes to get back on track. Thanks for sharing Robert.

    • Robert Wuflestad on June 11, 2019 at 2:10 pm

      Thanks Mimi! You are absolutely correct, we can’t see it or don’t know it. Sometimes when someone tries to show us, we still don’t believe.

  2. Peter Nash on June 11, 2019 at 4:26 pm

    Great piece. Someone very close to me had a liver transplant. The surgery was a success, but the amazing thing is how it promoted many other positive changes in her life. It helped fix things she didn’t realize were broken.

    • Robert Wuflestad on June 11, 2019 at 6:49 pm

      Thanks Peter! That is what I found out as well. A year ago, I thought I was having a memory issue because I couldn’t recall events or conversations. I found out that my brain was full of toxins and had a build up. After the surgery, my clarity of thinking was amazing. I felt like I came out of a cloud into the sunshine.

  3. Mike Olden on June 12, 2019 at 8:44 am

    Hi Robert, thank you for sharing your story. All who know you are glad you are here to share this story. Best wishes for a happy and healthy life ahead. And well done to your brother!

    • Robert Wuflestad on June 12, 2019 at 10:56 am

      Thanks Mike! I have been overwhelmed with the care and support that I have received by friends. I am sure you can relate. Best wishes to you!

  4. Dan Faulkner on June 12, 2019 at 9:58 pm

    Wow, had no idea about your transplant. Glad you are doing well and on the up and up. Great perspective!

  5. Mey Saephan on June 21, 2019 at 7:23 pm

    Praise God!! Thanks for that perspective. I have a sister-in-law who has been on dialysis for over six years. But her health condition is still bad so she is not even on the active list for a kidney transplant. So happy for you and Cindy.